Milwaukee Justice Center
The mission of the Milwaukee Justice Center is to utilize volunteers to address the unmet legal needs of Milwaukee County's low-income self-represented litigants through court-based self-help desks and legal resources.
The Milwaukee Justice Center (MJC) is a collaborative project between the Milwaukee Bar Association, the Milwaukee Bar Association Foundation, Milwaukee County, and Marquette University Law School. The underlying philosophy of the project is that self-represented litigants have a fundamental right to access the justice system even if they cannot afford an attorney or do not qualify for legal aid. Generally, self-represented litigants who earn more than 125% of the federal poverty guidelines do not qualify for free legal services. This means, in 2019, a single person earning more than $15,613 or a family of four earning more than $32,188 annually is considered ineligible for most free legal assistance. These families struggle to pay for basic necessities; rent, groceries and utilities. Thus, when faced with civil legal issues, many have no choice but to access the courts alone. As such, the MJC strives to address the substantive and procedural barriers facing unrepresented litigants so that they can better navigate the legal system. By contributing to the Milwaukee Justice Center, you are helping to make a significant impact in our community by improving access to justice for Milwaukee County’s most vulnerable residents. The MJC needs your support to make it happen. The MBA Foundation respects the privacy of our donors and will not share your personal information under any circumstances.
Milwaukee Justice Center Mobile Legal Clinic The goal of the Milwaukee Justice Center Mobile Legal Clinic (a project of Marquette University Law School and the Milwaukee Bar Association) is to bring services provided by the Milwaukee Justice Center out to isolated neighborhoods where it is difficult for those residents to reach free legal assistance. Working with the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinic, the Mobile Legal Clinic offers free, brief legal advice on most civil matters, including family law, landlord-tenant issues, small claims, large claims, and credit-consumer issues. The clinic does not provide ongoing representation, but can offer information on how to retain an attorney if needed. The Mobile Legal Clinic has been awarded the following:
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel "Big Idea of 2013"
- 2014 Wisconsin Innovation Awards
- 2014 State Bar of Wisconsin Legal Innovation Award
- 2014 "15 Most innovative Clinics" National Jurist
Volunteer Whether it is your first time exploring the idea, or you are a veteran when it comes to volunteering in the legal community, the MJC has many opportunities for those looking to get involved. Learn more about volunteering at the MJC.