Take-aways from April 17, 2020 meeting
Location: Zoom
- As to evictions: The court continues to only hear cases that fit the Governor’s Emergency Order 15 requirement;, all evictions for non-payment will be dismissed. The clerks will not disallow attorneys to file cases. Attorneys who choose to do so must comply with Affidavit requirements of EO 15.
- As to AM (all other cases), the court is trying to get up and going. The court is trying to hear cases that have been adjourned and where there are represented parties in the cases scheduled to hear them and begin the process of launching operations in electronic and telephonic communications. The court is working to do that as soon as possible with the goal to start within the next four to six weeks. This will require a reconfiguration of how the court works with clerks and basic training on Zoom for court staff and court officials.
- During this time, it is important for attorneys to become familiar with Zoom. The court commissioner and/or clerk will set all zoom conferences/hearings. It is the responsibility of the attorney to share the Zoom information with witnesses.
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