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The 2022 Spring Election is taking place on Tuesday, April 5. Each year, the MBA polls its members regarding their opinions on each of the Milwaukee County Circuit Court candidates in order to help educate the public. The results from this year's poll are listed below. Please note that not all respondents expressed opinions on each candidate.
Each Milwaukee County Circuit Court candidate on the ballot is listed below. Click on a candidate's name to view their bio and learn more about them. Don't forget to vote on April 5!
Notes from the presentation:
• Introductions
o Welcome Judge Dugan
o Presenters: Judge Van Grunsven, Carmel Capati, Terri Graham, Al Polan, Martha Hernandez, Susan Rascon
• Health Care Facilities and Zoom
o Hospitals (e.g., Rogers Memorial Hospital, Columbia St. Mary’s, Aurora, VA) can facilitate Zoom and have the equipment to do so
o GAL’s and appointed counsel are encouraged to work through the petitioning attorney to arrange access to the proposed ward(s)
• Zoom Application
o To get your client ready, have your client download the Zoom application
• Host and Co-Host Capabilities
o Hosts have abilities that other participants do not have (e.g., waiting room, breakout rooms, muting unruly participants)
• Notice of Zoom Hearing
o A form with the Meeting ID and Passcode will be sent to all parties identified on CCAP
o It is the petitioning attorney’s responsibility to send this form to all interested parties, as some interested parties may not have been identified
• Breakout Rooms (licensed version of Zoom) - Demonstrated using meeting participants
• Simultaneous Interpreting Demonstration with Spanish Speaker
o Globe icon allows selection of language; interpreter will be muted for all participants other than the person for whom the interpretation is being
o If an interpreter is needed, contact the judge’s clerk, who will make arrangements
• Sharing Screens and Documents - Demonstrated by Nate Cade
• Spotlight Speakers / Pinning Video - Demonstrated
• Waiting Rooms
o Block scheduling may be done by the court, which means that multiple a.m. hearings may all have the same Meeting ID and Passcode; parties
will be in a waiting room until their case is called
• Live-Streaming on YouTube / Deleting Videos
o Some courts are broadcasting hearings via YouTube and then deleting the videos afterwards; this is not being done for guardianships in light of
the confidential nature of these proceedings
o Speak slowly and clearly to ensure that everything can be heard so that the record is complete
• The next Bench-Bar Meeting via Zoom will be on Monday, September 14 at 12:15 p.m.
Notes from the July 8th Probate Bench-Bar Committee Meeting:
• Hearings continue to be held via Zoom, including the OTSC hearings for a limited number of cases (most are being adjourned or will be adjourned if a petition is submitted requesting an adjournment for a good reason).
• Zoom has limitations in some hospitals and other facilities; there are various challenges getting the equipment into the hands of the providers.
• Chapter 51 and 54 hearings at BHD are scheduled to all be heard via Zoom by August 1.
• BHD is facilitating technology with partners. GAL and adversary counsel are allowed to visit.
• Judge Dugan will be coming over on August 1 and any hearings to be scheduled in August and beyond can still be scheduled with Judge Murray’s clerk: ([email protected] 414.278.4488).
• Registration can still be done for the Spring GAL CLE, which has been rescheduled as a three-part series comprised of one-hour presentations; registration may be for one, two, or all three, with a discount given if registered for all three. If anyone missed a segment of the series, the seminars have all been recorded and can be accessed “on demand” (following registration).
Tuesday, June 30 (12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.) TRO/Adult-at-Risk Injunction Do’s and Don’ts for GALs
Thursday, July 9 (12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.) Guardianship Powers: Too Much, Too Little or Just Right
Thursday, July 23 (12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.) Who You Gonna Call? Milwaukee ADRC
• In light of the pandemic, it is unlikely that the Probate Fall Golf Outing will be held this year.
• Suggestions for topics and speakers for the Fall 2020 Probate CLE are requested, along with any preferences in dates (e.g., Sept./Oct. or Nov./Dec.).
• Judge Van Grunsven demonstrated various features of Zoom that he has the ability to do, such as the breakout room (good for hand-holding with clients) and reactions.
• Broadcasting of guardianship hearings is not appropriate for YouTube because of the confidential nature of the proceedings.
• For those hearings where exhibits will be used, the exhibits need to be given to all parties and the judge’s clerk prior to the hearing.
• Attorney Jim Collis recommended Next Level Litigation for the outsourcing of exhibits; he found the cost to be reasonable and it was appreciated by the judge who was able to highlight the exhibits. Attorney Lisa Procaccio recommended US Legal Support, whose contact is Casey Barlow ([email protected]).
• The next Bench-Bar Meeting via Zoom will be on Monday, August 10 at 12:15 p.m.
Notes from the June 8th Probate Bench-Bar Committee meeting:
• The “in-person” requirement for permanent hearings continues to pose issues for process servers, GAL’s, and others who must visit the ward; the burden will be on the petitioning attorney to confirm that all who must visit the ward in-person are able to do so and to serve as the contact person to arrange the meetings.
• GAL’s may decline appointments.
• The WATTS calendar remains suspended.
• Probate hearings will not be scheduled in-person until further order of the Chief Judge.
• Hearings on objections to claims may be held via Zoom.
• For hearings to be held via Zoom, instructions will be provided with the code and password for the hearing; the Affidavit of Mailing should identify that these instructions have been provided to all interested parties.
• Contact information for the clerks who schedule hearings is as follows:
[email protected] 414.278.4426
[email protected] 414.278.4458
[email protected] 414.278.4488
[email protected] 414.278.4517
• All staff and visitors must wear masks at the courthouse; nobody will be allowed in a courtroom without a mask; plexiglass is being installed in the courtrooms, offices of the Deputy Registers in Probate, and at BHD.
• Judge Murray rotates to Children’s Court on August 1.
• The Spring GAL CLE has been rescheduled as a three-part series comprised of one-hour presentations; registration may be for one, two, or all three, with a discount given if registered for all three.
Tuesday, June 30 (12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.) TRO/Adult-at-Risk Injunction Do’s and Don’ts for GALs
Thursday, July 9 (12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.) Guardianship Powers: Too Much, Too Little or Just Right
Thursday, July 23 (12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.) Who You Gonna Call? Milwaukee ADRC
• The Volunteer Lawyers Project through Legal Action of Wisconsin seeks volunteers for uncontested informal probates and matters such as house transfers to the surviving spouse
• This meeting was Renee Ruffin Nawrocki’s last meeting after two years as Co-Chair of this committee; she begins her term as President of the Association for Women Lawyers next month. Avery Mayne has volunteered to serve as Co-Chair.
• The next Bench-Bar Meeting via Zoom will be on Monday, July 6 at 12:15 p.m.
Now is the time to highlight those doing good work in our legal community! Nominate your colleagues for one (or more!) of the MBA Awards:
Lifetime Achievement
Recognizes a lifetime of excellence in the legal community as a practitioner and steward of the law.
On June 2, 2020, WisconsinEye senior producer Steve Walters sat down with Randy Koschnick, Wisconsin State Courts director; Judge John DiMotto, retired judge; and Judge John Anderson, Bayfield County Circuit Court judge, to discuss the work of the Wisconsin Courts COVID-19 Task Force, the issues around reopening courts, and the important work they do.
You can watch the recording here.
Key take-aways from May 11th meeting:
Notes from the meeting:
It seems that all we hear lately is bad news. The MBA would like to highlight all the good happening in the Milwaukee community during these challenging times!
This week we’d like to recognize Attorneys Kim Powers, Janet Heins, and Leah Poulos who have been sewing thousands of masks and donating them to Froedtert Hospital, the Milwaukee VA Medical Center, and United Airlines. All masks have been donated free of charge to help first responders, front line workers, nursing home employees, rehab centers, and United Airlines employees who are providing free air travel for medical personnel to assist with the COVID-19 crisis.
The State of Wisconsin, Department of Workforce Development is seeking a skilled Attorney to conduct hearings and issue legal decisions related to complex unemployment cases.
Please note that applications are still being accepted.
The MBA Foundation is now accepting grant applications through May 20. The charitable purposes of the MBA Foundation include, but are not limited to, the creation and/or support of activities and projects with the following objectives:
• Promoting public understanding and appreciation of the law and the legal system and their role in society
Today marks the last day of #LawyerWellbeingWeek and the theme is 'Feel Good: Emotional Well-Being'. Check out our tips, activities, resources and events below!
Thursday's #LawyerWellbeingWeek theme is 'Connect: Social Well-Being'. Check out our tips, activities, resources and events below!
We are halfway into 'Lawyer Well-Being Week' and Wednesday's theme is 'Engage & Grow: Career & Intellectual Well-Being'. Check out our tips, activities, resources and events below!
Would you like to find a way to have an impact on the Milwaukee area legal community, enhance access to social justice, develop strong connections with fellow attorneys and judges, all while getting your name out as a leader in the law?
Do you know someone with a passion for innovation whose voice deserves to be heard (maybe that's you too!)?
It's day two of 'Lawyer Well-Being Week' and Tuesday's theme is 'Align: Spiritual Well-Being'. Focus on your spiritual well-being with the following activities today:
Emily Esfahani Smith’s TED Talk: There’s More to Life Than Being Happy (Pursue Meaning Instead)
This week marks national 'Lawyer Well-Being Week' and the MBA is excited to share tips, activities, and resources with you focused on mental and physical well-being! Today's theme is 'Stay Strong: Physical Well-Being'. Get active and focus on your physical health with our ideas below:
Take-aways from April 17, 2020 meeting
Location: Zoom
On Friday, April 17 the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued an order to reinstate the practice of ghost writing for pro bono attorneys providing brief representation.
This practice was revoked in the second half of 2019 requiring pro bono attorneys to provide their name and bar number when assisting in pro bono or brief legal advice situations. This requirement diminished pro bono representation throughout the state. Attorneys are less likely to accept pro bono representation and provide drafting assistance to pro se litigants because of the presumption that inclusion of an attorney name and bar number implicates broader representation. This leads to more parties representing themselves, clogging the judicial system and potentially yielding less than positive results for the litigant. This can lead to a myriad of issues for the litigant including but not limited to homelessness, joblessness, disruption of the family unit and general personal turmoil.